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10 Feb 2025 16:26:28 UTC


This guide explains how to use the services of the website.

For this, we will use the cryptocurrency Ravencoin (RVN), due to its low transaction fees, as well as the ease of obtaining it through mining and availability on exchange sites. We recommend visitors who are curious or interested in our lotteries to use it to check how the service works and clear their doubts, before playing large amounts.

Wallet Address

There are two ways to obtain the address of the wallet to be used for the lottery:

  • Copy the address to your clipboard by clicking on the wallet icon.
  • Copy the wallet address included in the QR code using a mobile application or other device.
  • In order to take part in the lottery, coins must be sent to the wallet address obtained in the previous step. When sending the coins, it is important to take into account the minimum purchase limit and the network used.
  • The purchase is always made at a ratio of 1 lottery ticket : 1 minimum fraction of cryptocurrency. Example: 1 RVN => 100.000.000 Lottery Tickets | 0.00000001 RVN => 1 Lottery Ticket.
  • Transaction fees are not taken into account when purchasing lottery tickets, only the amount received.
  • A player may purchase tickets more than once using the same wallet address, although the participation numbers will not be sequential if there have been other players who have entered the draw in between.
  • Use only private wallets. Since the prize will be sent to the address from which the tickets were purchased, it is important to have control of the wallet.
  • Lottery Tickets

  • The time it takes for the purchase to be registered depends on the cryptocurrency and its network. Once registered it will appear in the 'Players of the Week' section, with a pending status.
  • In the 'Pending' status the player does not yet participate in the lottery and his coins are not part of the prize.
  • You can consult the lottery players of past weeks in the sections of each cryptocurrency.
  • Once the transaction is registered, it goes through a transaction verification process, which, depending on the currency and/or transaction fees, can take hours or days. A range of numbers will be assigned according to the amount of the purchase and in ascending order according to the day and time of verification.
  • The cut-off time for player verification of the weekly draw is 23:00 UTC each Sunday. If an entry is not verified before the start of the draw, it will be entered into the next week's draw.
  • The maximum time limit for verification is 7 days, after which the transaction is considered void and the amount lost. The player should try to cancel the incomplete transaction if its cryptocurrency has such an option.
  • Lottery Draw

  • Lotteries are held every Sunday at 23:30 UTC.
  • For the selection of the winner, a random number between 1 and the total number of lottery tickets sold will be generated.
  • Lotteries require a minimum pot to be held.
  • In the event that a draw does not take place, verified players from that draw will participate in the next week and following weeks until the draw can be held.
  • Prize

  • The prize will consist of the jackpot generated by all verified players minus a percentage (1% - 4%, see the percentage in each cryptocurrency, as a service fee).
  • The prize will be sent to the winner within 48 hours. Unless a technical problem prevents this.
  • Winner

  • The results of all draws sorted by week can be found in the 'Winners by Weeks' Section.
  • Each week's winner of a cryptocurrency can be seen in the 'Winners' Section of that cryptocurrency.